Thursday, September 2, 2010

Two new things

Two new things today. I got to try my first bit of champagne :). I was surprised when it was offered to me by my host parents, but then I remembered and decided to try it. I wasn't sure what I thought of it, so they mixed it with orange juice and I had a glass of champagne mixed with the juice. They were also drinking this. I also made a new friend today and she asked me to go dancing with her and her friends sometime. I was also asked this by christoph, but I told him no because I need to go with girl friends first. And I just thought it wouldn't be good for me to go dancing with just me and a big group of guys. Then later today Sofia said that Christoph had come by earlier. I have to hand it to the boy. Turns out a huge group of kids that all live near here are going dancing tomorrow and my new friend and Christoph had talked and both wanted to invite me and Benjamin. So I get to go dancing tomorrow! Since Benjamin is 18 now, his birthday was today, he can write on a slip of paper that he is responsible for me and I can stay out later than midnight. He could also drive me there, but some parents of the kids are driving everyone. Or Sofia said she would drive us. School was boring. Some friends of Rebekka's came today and are staying until tuesday. They are very nice. There's one in particular that has alot of common interests as me. That's about all for today I think.


  1. WOW~ Sounds like you are going to have fun girl! Don't get TOO hooked on the CHAMPAGNE :)

  2. Now you know what they were drinking in The Incredibles. It's called a Memosa, and yes they are quite tasty - but don't get used to them...

    Please make sure those who are carting you around are responsible. Just be cause they can drive, doesn't mean they should!
