Tuesday, December 21, 2010

Still sick. I hate being sick. I went to school today determined to get through the day, but my teacher and Meghan convinced me to at least go to her house and rest. So halfway through the school day I left with her and went to her house. Her host mom gave me advil/ibprofen. And some meds to help with my nose and throat. And some nasal spray to clear me up so I could breathe. That's what happens when you go to a pharmacist's house when you're sick. Then I slept in Meg's bed until she woke me up at 1. Then I ate at her place and drank this hot lemon drink. And after that I went home on a bus. Now I have to go and sing in an hour and a half. Technically I don't have to because I'm sick...but I will. I feel like I should. I hate that I had to leave school already.

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