Wednesday, December 15, 2010

About to perform one of the most difficult tasks in life...dying my own hair. I've only done it once. But I've had my hair my natural color for a very long time now. These Germans haven't seen me with anything but my natural red. It's time for a change. I'm not sure whether they'll like it or not. We'll see. If not...well it fades quick anyway. The only reason I hesitated in the slightest is because I'm the only girl around with this color of hair. So I've had alot of people tell me never to dye it. And now I'm about to do it....but I used to really like my hair this color. So we'll see how it turns out. Maybe they'll like it better on me...who knows? Maybe they'll beat me up for changing my hair to something so normal. It's possible :P. Gotta go to the bank later and get the first payment for euro tour all sorted out. But once thats done I can relax a bit.

1 comment:

  1. Hope everything worked out with the bank. Sounded like you were having to problem solve overseas... Could be why you are there?

    Anyway! Can't wait to see pictures of your green hair! Make sure to post them!
