Thursday, December 30, 2010

All moved in! I have all my clothes unpacked...but the rest can wait lol. This house is sooo nice. They have a sauna.... lol I have the basement pretty much to myself. My room is huge with two couches and a chair and a table and a tv. Plus my bed and desk and night table and cabinets for my clothes. I don't have wifi in my room yet, but will soon I think. And the family is just so nice :). The parents don't speak any english, but thats ok cause I speak enough deutsch to get by and when i dont understand my siblings help cause they do speak it. I get along with them really well. I can sleep in here and the meals arent all prompt and stuff. So I can sleep more and dinner is just kinda when you want cause their hot meal is at lunch. I even get to sleep an extra hour on school days cause I don't have to catch a bus. And they might have a bike that will fit me....hopefully. Its my host sisters old one from when she was smaller..... lol

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