Monday, May 23, 2011

So I don't REALLY have anything to say today. I went to school, but when I went to chemistry class... no one was there. I couldn't figure out why except my class must be cancelled. but it wasnt on the cancelled classes board. Once I was in my next class, physics, i realized... uh oh... the chemistry class wasnt there because... i had english. not chemistry. oops. I had my deutsch lesson today. and died a streak of blonde in my hair because i had two other friends who did the same thing and we decided to just do it together. It's more red than blonde though. i guess it looks like a really dark strawberry blonde so its not too bad. Then I went through all of my stuff and threw the stuff away I wasnt gonna bring back with me and i didnt need. I weeded out the old clothes and trash and school papers... everything. it was sad to do. but it needed to be done. hopefully now all my stuff will fit in the other suitcase and the duffle bag im buying. plus my two carry ons. i know that seems like alot, but when you go on exchange... this is my life for a year im packing up. you collect alot of stuff. at least triple what you came here with. But I weeded out a TON of clothes that I never wore or I wore out too much. And all the junk stuff that wasnt worth keeping as a souvenoir. So now its a count down.

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