Friday, August 13, 2010


Ten days until departure! I finally have almost all my pins made and everything is coming together. I have the Rotary party thing today. It's for the new inbounds, but since I'm an outbound and still here I get to go. I'm also going to Worlds of Fun afterwards :). Then on everyones first day of school (except me of course), the 17th, I'm having surgery. Wisdom teeth are getting removed. I don't want to risk them coming in and ruining my straight teeth while I'm in Germany. Especially since I have five wisdom teeth and no room in my mouth for any of them. That's about it. Now it's all down to the fine details of getting ready. Like packing my bag. Making sure I have full containers of product so I don't have to buy shampoo and stuff as soon as I get there. Stocking up on acid reducers for my reflux. Buying more powder for my face. Oh! And my straightener decides that it's going to break two weeks before leaving the country for a year after many years of trusty use. I'm gonna take my mom's. I loved that was so nice and blue...oh well...RIP blue chi straightener.

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