Sunday, September 12, 2010

Just got back

Just got back from my rotex weekend! It was great. The group of kids were so easy to be around. You could really just be yourself. No one cared if you sang to your ipod or not. They would be more likely to sing with you. It was so cool being around all the different people from the different cultures. We had like four or five languages going. Most of the time they explained things in English though because most everyone understood it. But everyonce in awhile they would translate it in Spanish and/or Portugese. Usually Spanish. I can't wait for Deutschland Tour. It's going to be the best ever. We took a tour of the Schalke stadium (soccer). It was huge. Soccer here might even be bigger than Texas football. I haven't decided yet. Going to this stadium made me realize how many people here literally live and breathe soccer. There was even a chapel in the stadium. Some people like to go to kind of church there. And people get married there. It was crazy. I took tons of pictures of the weekend and the stadium though so you'll get to see on facebook. (Stop buggin me about the pictures. I can't just choose a couple to put on here. There's too many.) We got to take a big tour of the stadium and see the museum inside. After that we had an interesting experience. We had to fit all inbound students, rebound students, and rotex people on one bus. We were packed so tight that it was like sardines in a can. You literally could not move. It was soo hot. Everyone was sweating all over. I will never complain about a bus being crowded again. Once we got back, there was alot of relaxing and just talking. We visited with each other and eventually ate dinner. Then they had some games planned for us for the rest of the evening. Of course they had to make the games as awkward as physically possible. It was fun! LOL. Unfortunately during one of these games, a rebound had a seizure I think. They had to clear out the gym and an ambulence picked her up. It was sad and everyone was very worried. But we went back inside and turned on some music to lighten the air. It ended up being this spanish dance music that was amazing! All the latin girls and guys got up and showed us a thing or two about dancing. They were super nice though and taught us all how to dance haha. We were all dancing till like 1 or 2 in the morning. Then everyone split up into little friend groups and talked or whatever. Then the night was over. I got a whole three hours sleep. And no nap lol. And now school tomorrow haha. Oh well. So is the life of a teenager. The morning was uneventful. Just got up, cleaned, had a relfection time so they could improve their weekends. But everyone said that this one was the best one yet. Then we left. I came home, showered, wrote half of this entry, ate lunch, and left for ball room dancing with Benni. After that he took me to meet with the head rotary guy for the exchange students here and I got some stuff worked out. Then came home and ate dinner and walked eika. Now I'm finishing this and I'm gonna put pics on facebook :P ciao!

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