Friday, September 3, 2010


Buses are terrible. They are shortist. They are not for small people lol. I was almost pushed off the bus today when people were getting off. It's no mercy here. I also almost fell quite a few times. I'm excited for tonight. There's some things I need to do first though. Like get money for the sleep over off my account. And I was told that I would be provided with a phone here, but that doesn't seem to be the case so I'm gonna go and get a phone card at Aldi. It's cheap and everyone does it here. I also found that people here wear skinny jeans alot. I have two pairs, but I don't have any shoes to go with them because my tennis shoes look terrible with skinnys. My flats are not appropriate for the amount of walking I do each day, and my other pair of shoes are uggs and not seasonally appropriate. Girls here seem to either wear flats or converse or what look like keds. So I'm going to get some of the latter. So I have to get money for shoes and a phone card too from a different account. I also will probably shower cause my hair is straight for the first time today and its gonna look terrible if I get sweaty. Thats about it for today. Nothing too exciting at school. Just boring classes. I'm just happy I'm finally making a few friends!

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