Sunday, November 28, 2010

Went to Munster today. It was really really cold. Rebekka ran her marathon thing and then we went to the christmas market. I didn't get all of what I needed so I'm going back next weekend. There was this guy that was dressed really funny, and he was cleaning the steps to the city hall with a tooth brush. There was loads of bottle caps on the steps. Hartmut explained that this was because he turned thirty that day. And he isn't married. So he has to clean these steps with a toothbrush and wait for a virgin girl to come and kiss him. Idk but I thought it was hilarious. He was wearing a tutu after all....

1 comment:

  1. Any pics!? That's funny. And I thought putting your bride in a wheel barrel was crazy.

    Get any cheese while you were in Munster today?
